We are the Grandparents of TWINS
Pheobe Jade and Pfischer Lee Outler
to Mitch and Pam Carnline
Born October 26, 2011
Born October 26, 2011
Pheobe was born at 2:02am, weighing in at 4.9 and 18 inches long
Pfischer was born at 2:03am, weighing in at 4.9 and 18 inches long
They are 7 weeks early, but doing great.
Here is Pfischer with daddy's hand to show how small he is.
Mitch got to change his diaper on this first day.
Phoebe holding daddy's hand. Day One.
Grandma gets to hold little Pfischer. He loved being held.
The CPAP (hose on the nose)(pronounced see-pap) has been removed.
Then Grandma switched over to hold little Phoebe. She took a minute to calm down because we took her from mommy.
The following are just some random pictures that I really liked
There are many many more pictures on FaceBook!
Mitch with Phoebe (first few hours)
Phoebe with her eyes open (first few hours)
Lily seeing Pfischer for the first time.
Lily was the only child allowed to go in to see the babies.
Phoebe in Grandma's arms.
Pfischer under the bili lite.
That was hard to watch because they didn't like being uncovered on their backs.
Lily, Abby, and Ricky walking through the hospital. They had to stop and see the bear.
Pfischer, so peaceful as mommy holds him.
So tiny.
NICU pronounced nick-you
Pfischer's bed is to the left and Phoebe sleeps in a bed on the other side of the nurse.
Uncle Chris was visiting for the first time.
When they are competely off all the tubes they can be put together in a larger bed.
Pam cannot wait until they are able to hold them both at the same time, and put them side by side.
Big brother, Ricky, waiting on the other side of the NICU door. Waiting, like the rest of us, for those babies to come home.
Remember to check out all the pictures on facebook.